Timothy J. Mrozinski
Rank: Chief
Department: Rocklin
Deceased: June 06, 2017

As a young boy, Timothy J. Mrozinski wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps to become a firefighter. He began his career as a firefighter in 1969 with the Carmichael Fire District working through the ranks of Firefighter, Fire Engineer, and Fire Captain. He joined the Rocklin Fire Department in 1977 and served the citizens of Rocklin with honor and distinction for 27 years. Timothy enjoyed vacationing with his family, coaching youth sports, and participating in the California Firemen’s Muster Association where he competed with antique fire equipment. He passed away in June 2017 from job-related cancer and is survived by his two children.
On the Memorial
Located in Sacramento, the California Firefighters Memorial immortalizes the names of those lost in the line of duty. Learn more »