Search for Fallen Firefighters on the Memorial Wall
David J. Guitierrez
Department: Ventura County
Deceased: August 01, 1990

Hired by the Ventury County Fire Department in April of 1961, David Gutierrez served as a member of Station 42 in Moorpark. He was promoted to the rank of Engineer and was later put in charge of the Junior Fire Marshal Program. After this, he was promoted to Fire Prevention Officer, David enjoyed all aspects of the fire department, but he enjoyed working as an Arson Investigator the most; he held this position for 17 years. Dave enjoyed spending time with his wife and children, going on camping trips, and traveling. He also liked to BBQ for the fire department outings. Off duty, he spent his time coaching football, soccer, and baseball. His life was claimed at the age of 54 due to cardiopulmonary failure.
On the Memorial
Located in Sacramento, the California Firefighters Memorial immortalizes the names of those lost in the line of duty. Learn more »
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