Search for Fallen Firefighters on the Memorial Wall
Andrea Jean Gaxiola
Department: San Diego
Deceased: November 16, 2015

Andrea Jean Gaxiola was seen by her fellow firefighters as someone who embodied the finest qualities of a true firefighter. Andrea served the citizens of San Diego with honor and distinction for nearly 21 years, joining the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department in October of 1990, and advancing to Firefighter II the following year. Despite being diagnosed with job-related cancer in 2009, Andrea chose not to retire until 2012. Andrea always did what she could to help others, her mottos being “I will take care of that,” or “How can I help?” Andrea passed away after succumbing to the effects of her job-related cancer in 2015. She is survived by her brother, niece and nephew.
On the Memorial
Located in Sacramento, the California Firefighters Memorial immortalizes the names of those lost in the line of duty. Learn more »
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