Matthew Clapsaddle
Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic
Department: Ventura City
Deceased: August 20, 2022

Matthew “Clappy” Clapsaddle served the Ventura Fire Department for 28 years. He started a career in the fire service because from an early age, he was taught to always help others and a career in the fire service was a natural choice for him. During his career he served as a paramedic and an active member on the USAR and Ocean Rescue Teams, receiving the Nancy Merman EMS Award and a Life Saving Award. Matthew loved his faith, his family, his profession, and was always happy in the ocean. Matthew passed away from a job-related illness. He is survived by his wife and son.
On the Memorial
Located in Sacramento, the California Firefighters Memorial immortalizes the names of those lost in the line of duty. Learn more »